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So You Went And Got A Puppy!

Lala loves helping pup parents understand the essentials of caring for a new puppy. In this blog post, Lala reflects on some of her Mama's methods for keeping her healthy, happy, and (most importantly!) safe.

Heartbeat Puppy

Lala says,

The Moropaky heartbeat puppy soothed and comforted me to sleep through my first puppy nights in my new home. I snuggled close to feel its heartbeat pulsing because I missed my litter mates so much! Mama made sure to take care of my anxiety and help me adapt to my new home by bringing me this awesome toy. Now that we have baby Harrison added to our family, he has his very own heartbeat puppy as well!

Teething Ring

Lala says,

Let's face it: puppies love to chew, and I am no exception! When I first got home, I headed straight for daddy's shoes and the new couch to start gnawing away. But Mama immediately saw to it that I get the n-bone (pumpkin flavor, my favorite!) teething ring. My baby brother Harrison's favorite flavor is chicken, although I expect that he will come around to pumpkin in time (big sister Lala knows best!)

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